Going away to college can be both exciting and frightening. That said, it can also be intimidating. You don't need to be scared though. When you educate yourself about college, you can lay your fears to rest before beginning. This article will help you to prepare.
Educate yourself about the career of your choice before you choose a college. This will guarantee the courses needed for the degree you want to get are offered by the college. Call the admissions director to see what the college offers to fit your interests.
Immerse yourself in many different activities in college. The more activities you're interested and participated in, the better that resume will end up looking. Maintain equilibrium between work and fun, as this can help to maximize your college experience.
Research the location of the admissions staff and pay them a visit prior to selecting a school. You can get valuable information on school-specific scholarship opportunities in this way. Nearly all schools have some kind of scholarship programs. By speaking to the admissions office, you will get the clearest idea of how you can finance your time at their school.
Sleep! Sleep is essential; even though, all night studying and partying may beckon you. All-nighters will eventually catch up to you and affect your ability to concentrate.
When you start classes, become familiar with your professors. Learn how they can be contacted, their office location, and what their office hours are. If you have a good relationship with your professors from the start, they will be more understanding if you must miss a deadline or need other special considerations.
Pay off your credit card balance monthly if you have one. This is the only way to avoid penalties and late fees. If you can, use credit cards for emergencies only. While you may be tempted to use it for pleasure, understand that you are in college to learn, not play. Having problems with your finances can distract you quite a bit.
Buses can surely get you to school. You'll likely discover that you won't spend much longer going to class by the bus. There are limited parking spaces available on most campuses. You can even save a few bucks from gas and parking permits. This is good for the environment.
Before going away to college, decide on whether you want to take your car. If the area is highly populated, free parking may be at a premium. It could also be expensive to have a car. Remember that you have to plan for both gas and insurance.
The potential for gaining weight during freshman year can be overcome if you limit your simple carbs. Avoid eating pre-packaged foods and snacks that are high in sugar and fats. Instead, eat fresh produce and whole grain foods. Avoid eating too much protein since it could cause health issues.
Make time to study daily. There are many distractions in college, so you need to schedule your time. Make a promise to yourself to set aside an hour every day, no matter what, to study. Even if studying is not really needed on a particular day, do it anyway. That will make it a habit.
Listen to your professors but also take notes. Taking notes is a great way to keep information in your mind as you take it in. This helps make studying a breeze. Even if you think you know the material, make it a habit to write these notes.
College should be less intimidating now that you read this article. As long as you know what you're up against, you can graduate successfully. Use the knowledge gained herein and a diploma is sure to be yours. With hard work and dedication, your future is bright.
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